⭐Are you worried your child's development is not on track?

⭐Do attempts to communicate with your child end in yelling and tantrums?

⭐Are you at the end of your rope with homework battles?

⭐Do you feel overwhelmed with parenting right now?

Who is family consulting for?

⭐ New Parents: Parents who are new to parenthood and may need guidance on understanding their child's developmental stages, identifying strengths, and accessing appropriate resources.

Parents of children ages 0-12: Parents of children who are struggling at home and/or at school and need help identifying root causes and appropriate resources.

Busy or Stressed Parents: Parents who are juggling multiple responsibilities and find it challenging to research and connect with community resources on their own.

Parents who want recommendations that fit their values, culture, and lifestyle: We're all busy. We all need do-able strategies. The most effective solutions are the ones we can do consistently!

How can you benefit from family guide consulting?

Identification of root causes of challenges and developmental delays: Through a comprehensive review of records and parent interview.

Navigating the medical system: Guiding parents who need help knowing where and who can help with proper diagnosis/treatment.

Improved parent/child relationships: Guiding parents to have a better understanding of themselves as well as their child in order to set appropriate expectations.

Navigating the education system: Parents who are concerned about their child's academic performance or struggling with the education system may find assistance in identifying the root causes and connecting with educational professionals.

What's it all about?

I know you want the best for your child but right now you're not sure what services would help or maybe you're not even aware of services in your community that could help.

Prioritizing which therapy to try, what doctor to see, and how to help your struggling child is overwhelming!

Kids don't come with a handbook (but it would be nice if they did!)

Truth is though, each child and family is unique.

Western medicine provides treatment for symptoms, often without putting all the pieces together and looking at the root cause. It just becomes a bandaid that eventually falls off.

And don't even get me started about our outdated public school system.

You're a good parent, and you DO know your child best!

But when your child and family are struggling, it's important you have the right professionals who will listen.

A guide to hold your hand through the parenting ups and downs.

A guide by your side through the toughest and most important job you'll ever have.

This is where I come in.....

Your guide

Melanie Batista is a family navigation consultant with a passion for helping families understand their child's brain (and body) development and build strong connections within their homes and community. Drawing on her 24 years of experience as a Pediatric Occupational Therapist, Melanie combines her knowledge of social relationships, mental health, and physical presentations with evidence-based neuroscience.

Having worked extensively with children and families in both home and educational settings, Melanie's parenting approach is rooted in attachment and a comprehensive understanding of all five areas of development. She believes in a holistic and collaborative approach to uncovering the root causes of family challenges.

Melanie is a mom of 2 boys, ages 11 and 8 who are neurodivergent learners, so she is walking the walk and talking the talk! This experience provides an unparalleled empathy and understanding of the complexities of parenting in our modern world.

Melanie's focus is on providing guidance and recommendations that respect each family's strengths, values, temperament, and circumstances. By emphasizing doable actions, she aims to empower parents to create meaningful connections with their children and foster a supportive home environment.

With Melanie's guidance, parents can navigate the complexities of parenting with clarity and confidence to build lasting relationships with their children and community.

You are no longer alone..let me be your guide!